Life Cycle Management
The state of a token can vary depending on its lifecycle stage. States are created, activated, suspended, inactive and deleted. To ensure a smooth transaction flow, it is important to perform the maintenance of the token in the different events of its life cycle.
The convenience of transferring tokens from one card to another is one of the advantages for cardholders.
Closing/Canceling or Replacing a Card:
When the PAN that already has active tokens need to be modified or replace, using the PAN LifeCycle options the Issuer perform the cardholder experience, because this service is going to move all active tokens to the Original PAN to the New PAN. Or it’s the canceling process this request is going to Delete/Inactive every active token of the card.
Each request of token life cycle is going to generate a notification with eventType TOKEN_STATUS_UPDATED.
Issuers need to change the token status
When the issuer needs to Suspend or inactivate permanently a token -delete-
Each request of token life cycle is going to generate a notification with eventType TOKEN_STATUS_UPDATED.
Issuers need to change the cart metadata:
When the Issuer needs to change or modify the art of the cart, should use the API UpdateCardMetadata.